Some More Reasons to Love and Hate .NET
A comparison of Blazor on .NET and ReactJS web development frameworks. These tools have a lot in common, yet differing from each other in some fundamental ways. Let's have a closer look!React Development with Styled Components
Let’s talk about CSS and React!
A Deep Dive With Blazor Whale
Hello again on a shiny shiny Sunday in April 2024!
Deploy Next Generation Blazor Front Ends as Container Apps
A walkthrough how to create a Blazor app and deploy it to Azure cloud as a container app.From Serverless Functions to Container Apps
Serverless Functions may not be the solution many believed it was. On the highway of broken promises, something better might be looming on the horizon. That something could be Containzeried Apps.Your Roadmap to Azure Functions Development
What are Azure Functions, how to get started with them an how they fit into the big picture of app development.Take Your Database to Cosmic Levels
To get serious with a scalable MongoDB in Cosmos DB you need to find a concrete starting point. In this article I want to be practical as usual and point out the right spot as I see it. For starters, instead of painting with a large brush, let's drill down into the details - that's the way you do it!Let's Turn Your Millions into Billions
Optimizing queries for speed means sacrificing flexibility. If your data is not really big and the performance is not the bottle neck but instead you need to provide a flexible way to allow queries to look at the data creatively from different angles, a relational model is the best fit.Automate Your MongoDB Queries to Deserialize Complex Pydantic Models
Relational databases are a conventional way to model and solve real world business problems. This is because relational thinking is natural for the human brain.How To Store Pydantic Soccer Players in the Mongo Database
Exploring how to perist Python objects validated with Pydantic library to MongoDB database.Tame Pandas With Pydantic to Be King of the Jungle
An introduction how to give more structure to your scientific Python code with Pydantic. In this example we use Pydantic to give an extra layer of robustness to Python code that applies Pandas data library.Validating Method Parameters in Python
When you start coding in Python programming language as a coder who is routined in some strongly typed language such as TypeScript, Java or C#, my bet is that first thing you want to enable in Python is strong typing.High Quality Type-Safe Code With Python
The good news is that you actually can achieve about the same level of type safety in Python code as you natively get in TypeScript, if you use Pydantic. Let's use Pydantic now and make some awesome code!Lubricate Your Data Flow With Kafka and Web Sockets
Hey you right there on the other side of the display! I congratulate you for being chosen by the Algorithm to view this particular blog post, because today I am going to rumble like thunder about how you can make your data flow through your systems as smoothly as silk and and as fast as lightning!
Practical and Event Driven
What is the greatest benefit of simple solutions? Well, literally, it’s their simplicity! Now this thing I just wrote may also sound the stupidest thing you possibly heard today just because, well, actually, why? Because it is just too obvious, self-evident and simple!
Agile Data Management with MongoDB
Hey visitor, welcome to the future! Do you come from the dark ages of the last decade where giant relational databases ruled? Don’t worry, it’s year 2023 now and we have moved on: we have something better for you. Check out document databases!
Why MongoDB Still Kicks Ass
The spring is coming. So it’s more relevant than ever to start thinking how to manage your many-to-many relationships!
About State Management Libraries in React-based User Interfaces
Anyone in user interface related software development may have noticed some intense discussions around the web about state management in web applications. There is also an ever-lasting debatte about what state management library you should be choosing and whether you need one at all. There are multiple libraries to choose from, such as Redux, Recoil, MobX, Flux et cetera.
Redefining the Full Stack Developer
In information technology, terminology has always been a bit slippery, especially when describing human roles.
New Winds
Back in the 80’s
Wrap Easter Eggs Faster to Give Perfect Gifts
Starting with Legos, though
Optimizing Peformance with Hash Objects
When did the humanity experience the golden age of software code performance optimization? I would give my biased answer, it was in the 1980’s. No, I don’t have any hard data to support this claim. I just remember how games kept evolving on some very limited hardware, back in those days of my childhood.
Create Artificial Intelligence with Loaded Dice
Can you find these days any software developer who hasn’t implemented some sort of Pac-Man game and then entered the eternal loop of tweaking and improving the logic for the “pac-mouse” or “pac-monster” to find his way through the maze?
The Immutability Drag Race
There’s been a trend toward functional programming in the recent years, especially in the field of web programming. The trend emphasizes certain coding principles and bunch them together under one loose concept of “functional programming paradigm”.
Applying Immutability To Object Oriented Programming
About Programming Paradigms
Introducing Metamatic Router
EDIT 2021-12-30: this article is deprecated!
URL-Based Application States with Metamatic's CONNECT Event
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Debug Easily States Inside Browser
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Using Metamatic Framework With React Router
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Connecting to Single Source of Truth
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Using Metamatic Dispatcher as Standalone Feature
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Implementing Custom State Containers
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!