giant mongo deserializer

Relational databases are a conventional way to model and solve real world business problems. This is because relational thinking is natural for the human brain. Other than that, they ensure data accuracy and integrity by avoiding duplication and inconsistency of data.

As crazy as this may sound, I repeat my earlier claim that MongoDB, although surely being a document database, is a relational database as well. No, it does not support SQL query language. Instead, it has its own object query format not too different from GraphQL. But despite this it allows to organize collections in a quite relational fashion.

Let’s think about a practical example of a data entity that is very relational by nature. Imagine that we want to manage a soccer club and we have to assign players to different kinds of soccer events, such as excercises and matches.

So we have a many-to-many relationship between players and events. One player can be assigned to multiple events during a week and every soccer event has multiple attendees.

Everybody familiar with database modeling understands that modeling this kind of a relation can be achieved by implementing a connector table that binds players and events to each other in a many-to-many fashion.

This means we would have a SoccerEvent table to store available soccer events, a Player table to keep track of players and an EventAssignment table to model which players are assigned to which events.

When we have an EventAssignment object we have to be aware that it is quite a beast since it spans over three different tables in the database!

Let’s have a look at it in detail. To describe an event assignment as a JSON file we would have something like this:

  'id': 'some-unique-identifier-here',
  'player': {
      'id': '21',
      'name':  'R. Gaúcho'
   'event': {
      'id': 'some-event-id',
      'name': 'First match'

This event assignment connects a certain player named R. Gaúcho to a specific ‘First match’ event. Note that tables are called collections in MongoDB. Let’s assume that we load such JSON document from ‘EventAssigment’ collection and want to deserialize it into a similarly named Pydantic model. The fantastic thing about Pydantic is that we are able to directly instantiate this kind of a composite object that has two object attributes (“player” and “event”) from a similarly nested JSON document.

Let’s define first our EventAssignment object as a Pydantic model:

class EventAssignment(BaseModel):
  id: StrictStr
  event: SoccerEvent
  player: Player

And then let me write the smallest possible Pydantic model to define players:

class Player(BaseModel):
  id: StrictStr
  name: StrictStr

Finally, we write our SoccerEvent model to define soccer events:

class SoccerEvent(BaseModel):
  id: StrictStr
  name: StrictStr

Little by little, we begin to discover that the innocent object EventAssignment is actually a horrible Frankenstein monster piled up by smashing together rusty old metal limbs!

No worries, with Pydantic we can still instantiate this whole structure of nested objects directly from just one nested JSON document:

my_event_assigment = EventAssignment(**{
  'id': 'some-unique-identifier-here',
  'player': {
      'id': '21',
      'name':  'R. Gaúcho'
   'event': {
      'id': 'some-event-id',
      'name': 'Final match'

After this, we can access event assigment and its attribute in a conventional object oriented way, for example:

player_name =

I can almost hear you saying, “this is great, but didn’t you just say that players and events reside in separate collections?”

Sure I did! Now we are coming to the point that if we can instantiate composite Pydantic models from complex nested JSON files, then we are actually able to instantiate them from MongoDB structures split over multiple collections as well.

Understanding query aggregation pipelines

Let’s write a MongoDB aggregation pipeline that composes a complete JSON document as described above from three different collections:

    "$match": query
    '$lookup': {
      'from': 'Player', 
      'localField': 'player_id', 
      'foreignField': '_id', 
      'as': 'player'
    '$unwind': {
      'path': '$player', 
      'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': True
    '$lookup': {
      'from': 'SoccerEvent', 
      'localField': 'event_id', 
      'foreignField': '_id', 
      'as': 'event'
    '$unwind': {
      'path': '$event', 
      'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': True
    '$project': {
      '': '$event._id',
      '': 1,
      '': '$player._id',
      '': 1

This aggregation query might look a bit scary at first glance but when we look carefully enough, it becomes evident that it has quite some repetitive patterns that we could easily automate in a conventient and repeatable way. That would then suddenly give us an ad-hoc framework to facilitate fetching multi-collection data structures directly into Pydantic models.

We get here a quite handy data persistence pattern if we introduce a code convention that each attribute of a model is to be stored in a collection whose name equals the attribute’s class name. For example, if we have an attribute “event” whose type is SoccerEvent, then that attribute will be stored in a collection that is also called “SoccerEvent”.

Being faithful to this convention, we’ll be able to always obtain each attribute’s collection name through reflection. So I expand my ORM solution’s base class, MSModel, by adding a method to deduce any attribute’s collection name:

def get_field_collection_name(cls, field_name):
  return cls.model_fields[field_name].annotation.__name__

When looking carefully at the aggregation query above, it consists of two lookups, one that joins a Player object Player collection and another that joins a SoccerEvent object from SoccerEvent collection. By default, lookups join the target collection’s objects as an array. However, since we only want one Player object and one Soccerevent object, it is not purposeful to attach those objects as arrays. Instead, after both lookups there is an unwind command that actually transforms the attached array into singular object, taking the first and only object from the array. This fits perfectly to our use case because then the JSON structure that we get perfectly matches our Pydantic model.

Finally, we polish the result with a project command which converts MongoDB’s _id field into id field to fit the pydantic model. We also tell that we want from both object’s also name property.

Automating MongoDB queries

A closer look at MongoDB query’s syntax makes it evident that it is quite feasible to automatically construct the query from Pydantic model’s structure.

Let’s define a method to automatically get the list of the properties from which to build the MongoDB query:

def get_field_names(cls):
  return list(cls.model_fields.keys())

In EventAssignment example case, this method returns fields id, player and event. So why not automate things a bit and write a method build_one_to_one_lookup which allows us to build the actual lookup query simply by invoking:


A huge improvement versus manually typing almost identical code pattern every time we want to implement a one-to-one relation in our database queries! Now let’s go to the actual implementation of the method:

def build_one_to_one_lookup(cls, field_name):
  collection_name = cls.get_field_collection_name(field_name)
  local_field = f'{field_name}_id'
  return [
      '$lookup': {
        'from': collection_name,
        'localField': local_field,
        'foreignField': '_id',
        'as': field_name
      '$unwind': {
          'path': f'${field_name}',
          'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': True

Taking advantage of this builder method, the logic to generate the original MongoDB query becomes quite a bit smaller:

def fetch_one(cls, query):
  return cls.aggregate_one([
      "$match": query
      '$project': {
        '': '$event._id',
        '': 1,
        '': '$player._id',
        '': 1

To save or not to save

Looking at the semi-automated query, the first question that an observer might ask is, would it be better if the user didn’t need to expliclitly declare which attributes have to be looked up from a joint collection but instead, the system would rather implicitly know it?


To achieve this, there is a temptation to take advantage of get_field_names() method that we just implemented. Now the problem is that this method returns all attributes of the model and not all attributes are lookup references to other collections - starting with “id” field. To create a smarter method that can return those attributes that actually map one-to-one to another collection’s objects we need to write some logic that helps our framework find out whether a particular object type name actually exists as a collection in the database. So let’s extend our MSMongoClient class to provide this functionality:

def exists_collection(self, collection_name):
  return collection_name in self.collection_names()
def collection_names(self):
  return self.client.list_collection_names()

The method exists_collection() needs to be invoked all over again. We definitely don’t want the system to execute a database query every time this happens. Therefore @cache decorator helps us here make the DB client class actually remember the results. To use the cache, import it to your code:

from functools import cache

Now we are ready to implement a method to get only those fields of a model that actually are collection references. Let’s go for it and equip our base model with this code:

def get_collection_references(cls):
  field_names = cls.get_field_names()
  return list(filter(cls.is_field_collection_reference, field_names))

The method above loops through all field names and filters those that are actually collection references. So this needs a helper method to check whether a given individual field name is a collection reference:

def is_field_collection_reference(cls, field_name):
  field_type = cls.get_field_type(field_name)
  collection_names = MSMongoClient.singleton.collection_names()
  return True if field_type in collection_names else False

From this position, it is only a small step to write a true workhorse method to automatically build all one-to one lookups:

def build_one_to_one_lookups(cls):
  references = cls.get_collection_references()
  return np.array(list(map(cls.build_one_to_one_lookup, references))).flatten().tolist()

With these helper methods, EventAssigment’s fetch_one() method can now be simplified as follows:

def fetch_one(cls, query):
  return cls.aggregate_one([
      "$match": query
      '$project': {
        '': '$event._id',
        '': 1,
        '': '$player._id',
        '': 1

If we go even further with this query automation madness, clearly the same truncation procedure can also be applied to the projection part at the end of the aggregation. But should we really sink deeper into this madness? I think yes.

Automating projections

The reason why I have formulated a $project statement at the end of my aggregation pipeline is that the result object returned by MongoDB doesn’t exactly fit into the Pydantic model. First of all, the object IDs are presented with id attribute in the model, whereas MongoDB objects contain prefixed variants, _id fields. Therefore $project statement helps convert those _id fields into their Pydantic form id. Additionally, projection defines which properties we will use from the included foreign objects event and player:

      '$project': {
        '': '$event._id',
        '': 1,
        '': '$player._id',
        '': 1

Now let’s write another magical method to MSModel to automatically generate the projection:

def build_one_to_one_projection(cls):
  references = cls.get_collection_references()
  sub_projections = list(map(cls.build_sub_projection_by_reference, references))
  projection = {}
  for sub_projection in sub_projections:
    projection = {**projection, **sub_projection}
  return {
    '$project': projection

The method iterates model’s those fields that are one-to-one references to other collections and builds a sub-projection for each one. Finally it merges them into the resulting projection and returns that object. For example, calling EventAssignment.get_collection_references() returns list [“player”, “event”]. Each field in the list is elaborated by invoking buid_sub_projection_by_reference method:

def build_sub_projection_by_reference(cls, reference):
  sub_projection = {
    f"{reference}.id": f"${reference}._id"
  field_class = cls.get_field_class(reference)
  data_fields = field_class.get_data_field_names()
  for data_field in data_fields:
    sub_projection[f"{reference}.{data_field}"] = 1
  return sub_projection

This method gets a “reference” as argument, which actually means a field that refers to another collection. Therefore building up the sub-projection for that collection requires to check what data fields that collection actually contains.

With data field names I mean all field names model other than its ID field:

def get_data_field_names(cls):
  return list(filter(lambda field_name: field_name != "id", cls.get_field_names()))

Sure ID is also data but it isn’t exactly model’s data but rather a generic mechanism to identify them. We need this method because id field needs to be projected differently from other fields as explained above. But even so, we can’t invoke that class method on a particular model before we actually get that class. Therefore I made another method to get the Pydantic model class referred to by a data field:

def get_field_class(cls, field_name):
  classname = cls.get_field_type(field_name)
  modulename = classname.lower()
  module = importlib.import_module(modulename)
  return getattr(module, classname)

Do you really believe me when I tell you this turpentine works? Well, you shouldn’t! Because I don’t believe it either before I test it:

def test_build_one_to_one_projection():
  projection = EventAssignment.build_one_to_one_projection()
  assert(projection == {
    '$project': {
      '': '$event._id',
      '': 1,
      '': '$player._id',
      '': 1

Alright, I tested it. It works. Now you can believe me!

The closing ceremony

This is the last chapter of my article about automating MongoDB queries to instantiate Pydantic models. This journey has lead us together all the way up to the hill where this particular piece of code, fetch_one method, can stand upright and proudly gaze at the horizon with the realization in the heart that it doesn’t depend anymore on its original host model EventAssignment. At this point we are honored to move it to the upper class MSModel, where it can begin to serve all models of the future.

def fetch_one(cls, query):
  return cls.aggregate_one([
      "$match": query

Coming soon…

Next time we will be learning how to whistle. Whistling is a great skill that helps you express emotions at home, in the neighborhood - and maybe even in the garden.

